October and the end of summer days…

Seasonal affective disorder is probably one of the most appropriate acronyms in existence. If you have Seasonal Affective Disorder, you have a case of SAD.  I have always struggled with the change of seasons, specifically the shift from longer warm summer days to cold, shorter days of fall. Well, most of the time. The last 5 years, I have had the fall running ace season ahead of me to capitalize on my hard work running over the summer. Falling temps equal free speed. When the spring turns into summer, I try to hold my running pace consistent despite the rising temps and then during the fall it’s like a weight gets taken off. It’s like training with a weighted vest on and then taking it off and exploding into your run…..I don’t have that this year and I’m hoping that the cooler temps will help with the return to running. It’s been almost 5 months…I wonder if (more like how much) running is going to suck at first. Of course, I may just grin the entire time and never notice.

I had my last PT appointment this week before I’m going to see my Ortho to discuss return to running timelines. That’s on Tuesday…3 days away. My expectations aren’t that I will get the all clear next week, but sometime in November. I’ve been working hard everyday. I’ve been doing 15-20 single leg squats at my desk every hour while at work. It’s helping to build strength and stability and I think my last PT appointment went really well.

We added several new exercises which include jumping and hopping. My brain is still being cautious and I’m struggling against my brain trying to compensate. I’m hoping that Jon gave me a good report and projects that I’ll be ready for a run/walk program soon.

What else is new?

I took advantage of the waning summer and got out on the Neuse River greenway for a longer bike ride. 31 miles from Anderson point park to the south end at Sam’s Branch and back. Weather was perfect and it was quite busy. I felt like I could have done another 20 miles but I only had a couple of hours. At some spots, the greenway was kinda trashy with debris from Hurricane Michael and falling pinecones and sticks, but still managed to average 15mph. There was one incident skidding on some leaves coming around a corner that almost caused me to wipe out, I am definitely going shopping for some tires that may give me a little more traction.  Sure, I’ll lose a little in rolling resistance and will be somewhat slower, but hopefully can be a little safer.  And I need some warmer gear to hopefully squeeze in a few more longer rides..